Tag | Value |
file | Reliability_eur-reliability-111-en_eur-reliability-111-en |
name | eur-reliability-111-en |
section | Reliability/Analysis/Cronbach's alpha |
type | num |
solution | 30 |
tolerance | 0 |
Type | Calculate |
Program | Calculator |
Language | English |
Level | Statistical Literacy |
A test consisting of 10 items has an alpha estimate of reliability of .50. How many parallel items have to be added to get an alpha estimate of reliability of .80?
Use in which n is the factor with which the original number of items has to be multiplied
In order to calculate the number of items that have to be added we need the Spearman Brown formula: in which n is the factor with which the original number of items has to be multiplied. So in our case: . The number of items that has to be added is .