Exam 1

  1. Metainformation

    Tag Value
    namevufsw-type I error-1245-en
    sectioninferential statistics/nhst/statistical errors/type I error
    Levelstatistical reasoning


    Suppose we use a significance level of 5% for testing our hypothesis. If we wrongly reject the null hypothesis, then …

    1. TRUE: We are going to make a Type I error. The probability of this error is 5%
    2. FALSE: We are going to make a Type II error. The chance of this error is always unknown.
    3. FALSE: We are going to make a Type I error. The chance of this error is always unkown.
    4. FALSE: We are going to make a Type II error. The probability of this error is 5%


    We are going to make a type I error. The probability of this error is 5%. A type I error is the rejection of a true null hypothesis (also known as a “false positive” finding), while a type II error is failing to reject a false null hypothesis (also known as a “false negative” finding).[1] More simply stated, a type I error is to falsely infer the existence of something that is not there (confirming to common belief with false information), while a type II error is to falsely infer the absence of something present (going against the common belief with false information).

    M&T Hypothesis testing: means
    Default value

    M&T Hypothesis testing: proportions
    Default value

    1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. False