Exam 1

  1. Metainformation

    Tag Value
    sectionInferential Statistics/Regression/Multiple linear regression
    TypePerforming analysis
    LevelStatistical Reasoning


    A student investigates the relationship between secure attachment representation of mothers (Secure), their depressive complaints (depr) and the confidence in their own role as a mother (effic).

    The student has a sample of 30 mothers, and ran a multiple regression on this sample. A part of the results is in the table underneath. Carry out a two-sided test for the regression coefficient of the attachment representation of mothers (Secure), and draw a conclusion.

    1. FALSE: t=3.83,df=28,p<.002t = 3.83, \; df = 28, \; p < .002; de regression coefficient deviates significantly from 0
    2. TRUE: t=3.83,df=27,p<.002t = 3.83, \; df = 27, \; p < .002; de regression coefficient deviates significantly from 0
    3. FALSE: t=3.83,df=28,.002<p<.05t = 3.83, \; df = 28, \; .002 < p < .05; de regression coefficient deviates significantly from 0
    4. FALSE: t=3.83,df=27,.002<p<.05t = 3.83, \; df = 27, \; .002 < p < .05; de regression coefficient deviates significantly from 0


    Determine the t-value of the corresponding df. The t=bise=0.230.06=3.83t = \frac{bi}{se} = \frac{0.23}{0.06} = 3.83. The df=n(k+1)=30(2+1)=27df = n-(k+1) = 30-(2+1) = 27. Look in the t-table at the critical t-value that corresponds with the right-sided exceedance probability of 0.025. Critical t=2.025t = 2.025. De found t is bigger than the critical t so we reject the nul hypothesis (b=0b = 0). The found t is smaller than t=3.421t = 3.421, which corresponds with the right-sided exceedance probability of .001 (the p-value of .002). So, the p-value belonging to the found t=3.83t = 3.83 is smaller than .002.

    1. Incorrect
    2. Correct
    3. Incorrect
    4. Incorrect