Exam 1

  1. Metainformation

    Tag Value
    sectionInferential Statistics/Regression/Dummies, Inferential Statistics/Regression/Simple linear regression, Inferential Statistics/Regression/Equation
    TypeInterpreting output
    LevelStatistical Literacy


    A researcher wants to compare four groups (group 0, 1, 2 and 3) with respect to their average high school grade. However, she has only regression analysis at hand, and therefore she transforms the variable “group” into dummy variables. Group 0 has a score of 0 on each of the dummy variables. She gets the following output:

    Group B Std.Error Beta t Sig
    (Constant) 3.75 0.758 4.945 0.001
    Group 1 3.5 1.072 0.691 3.264 0.009
    Group 2 2.75 1.072 0.543 2.564 0.028
    Group 3 2.5 1.313 0.38 1.904 0.061

    Which of the following statements about the group means is correct?

    1. FALSE: The grand mean equals 3.75
    2. FALSE: Approximately, there is a linear decrease in means for groups 0 to 3
    3. FALSE: Group 3 has to lowest mean
    4. TRUE: The means of groups 0 and 1 differ significantly


    The correct answer is that group 0 and 1 differ. Group 0 is your reference group; the unstandardized B coefficients show the difference in means between one of the three groups and group 0. When looking at group 1, you can see that the B coefficient is 3.5, which signifies a mean difference of 3.5; this difference is significant at p < .05.

    The B of 3.75 here refers to the mean of the reference group, which is group 0. Furthermore, there is no linear decrease in means from groups 0 to 3, nor does group 3 have the lowest mean. Instead, group 0 has the lowest mean, followed by group 3, then group 2. Group 1 has the highest mean.

    1. False
    2. False
    3. False
    4. True