Exam 1

  1. Metainformation

    Tag Value
    sectionInferential Statistics/Parametric Techniques/ANOVA/Oneway repeated measures ANOVA
    TypePerforming analysis
    LevelStatistical Literacy


    Currently, in the Netherlands, there is debate about the usefulness of long-term detention with psychiatric treatment. A psychiatrist of a Dutch long-term detention centre collected data about aggression of detainees. The detainees were observed during group treatment sessions and the level of aggressive behavior was rated at four points in time: (1) 2 days after their admission to the centre [T1_aggression] ; (2) half a year after admission [T2_aggression]; (3) a year after admission [T3_aggression]; and (4) a year and a half after admission [T4_aggression]. The level of aggressive behavior was rated by means of a semi-structured interview, resulting in scores ranging from 0 (not aggressive) to 40 (extremely aggressive). Furthermore, the psychiatrist registered whether detainees suffered from psychosis or not [psychosis].

    Open the data file.

    Conduct an analysis for all subjects to determine whether the level of aggressive behavior differs between the four measurements [T1_aggression, T2_aggression, T3_aggression, T4_aggression]. What is the F-value for this effect according to univariate approach? (3 decimals)

    Download: SPSS file, CSV file


    The F-value is 521.962.