Tag | Value |
file | Descriptive-statistics_vufsw-correlation-2033-en_vufsw-correlation-2033-en |
name | vufsw-correlation-2033-en |
section | descriptive statistics/summary statistics/bivariate statistics/correlation |
type | schoice |
solution | FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE |
Type | interpreting output |
Program | NA |
Language | English |
Level | statistical literacy |
In the above partial correlation matrix, including zero-order correlations, Y = frbauer (preference for Dutch music such as by Frans Bauer), X = leduc (level of education), and Z = fameduc (education of parents).
How should we interpret the correlation of -.248 between Frans Bauer’s
music preference and educational level?
1: The higher the education, the weaker the preference for music by
Frans Bauer
2: The lower the education, the stronger the preference for music by
Frans Bauer