Exam 1

  1. Metainformation

    Tag Value
    sectionDescriptive statistics/Summary Statistics/Bivariate statistics/Correlation
    LevelStatistical Literacy


    Below you find the scores of six students on the course 1.1 exam (social psychology) and the course 1.3 exam (statistics). Calculate the correlation between the exam scores of course 1.1 and course 1.3.

    Students Exam Course 1.1 Exam Course 1.3
    1 7.5 6.8
    2 6.2 5.4
    3 5.2 7.6
    4 8.2 7.6
    5 9.2 8.4
    6 6.9 4.7


    Students Exam Course 1.1 Exam Course 1.3 Squared Deviation 1.1 Squared Deviation 1.3 Product deviation 1.1 – deviation 1.3
    1 7.5 6.8 (7.5 ‐ 7.2)(7.5 ‐ 7.2) (6.8 ‐ 6.75)(6.8 ‐ 6.75) (7.5 ‐ 7.2)(6.8 ‐ 6.75)
    2 6.2 5.4 (6.2 ‐ 7.2)(6.2 ‐ 7.2) (5.4 ‐ 6.75)(5.4 ‐ 6.75) (6.2 ‐ 7.2)(5.4 ‐ 6.75)
    3 5.2 7.6 (5.2 ‐ 7.2)(5.2 ‐ 7.2) (7.6 ‐ 6.75)(7.6 ‐ 6.75) (5.2 ‐ 7.2)(7.6 ‐ 6.75)
    4 8.2 7.6 (8.2 ‐ 7.2)(8.2 ‐ 7.2) (7.6 ‐ 6.75)(7.6 ‐ 6.75) (8.2 ‐ 7.2)(7.6 ‐ 6.75)
    5 9.2 8.4 (9.2 ‐ 7.2)(9.2 ‐ 7.2) (8.4 ‐ 6.75)(8.4 ‐ 6.75) (9.2 ‐ 7.2)(8.4 ‐ 6.75)
    6 6.9 4.7 (6.9 ‐ 7.2)(6.9 ‐ 7.2) (4.7 ‐ 6.75)(4.7 ‐ 6.75) (6.9 ‐ 7.2)(4.7 ‐ 6.75)
    Sum 43.2 40.5 10.18 10.2 4.43
    Mean 7.2 6.75 1.697 1.699 0.738

    The mean is calculated by summing the scores on the exam and dividing this sum by the number of participants:

    Mean Exam 1.1 = 43.206=7.20\frac{43.20}{6} = 7.20

    Mean Exam 1.3 = 40.506=6.75\frac{40.50}{6} = 6.75

    The covariance is calculated by summing the product of the deviation scores and divide this by N:

    Covariance Exam 1.1, Exam 1.3: CovE1.1,E1.34.436=0.738Cov_{E1.1, E1.3} \frac{4.43}{6}=0.738

    The correlation is calculated by dividing the covariance by the product of the standard deviations.

    The standard deviation is calculated by taking the square root of the variance:

    Standard deviation SDExam1.1=1.697=1.303SD_{Exam 1.1} = \sqrt{1.697} = 1.303

    Standard deviation SDExam1.3=1.699=1.304SD_{Exam 1.3} = \sqrt{1.699} = 1.304

    Correlation Exam 1.1, Exam 1.3: CorE1.1,E1.3=0.7381.303×1.304=.435Cor_{E1.1, E1.3} = \frac{0.738}{1.303 \times 1.304}=.435.